Friday, July 17, 2009


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You may use them as night cream~

Anosa Rose Herbal cream helps deeply moisturize your skin to keep you hydrated all night long.

It absorbs into your skin and makes your skin smooth and velvety. It smells heavenly! Just like a big bunch of roses!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


We often find ourselves staying for long hours in air-conditioned surroundings; skin tends to loose its moisture and gets dry easily. Quench your skin’s thirst and seduce your partners with its delicate rose fragrance. Made of 100% natural French rose extract essence oil, it brings freshness, softness and moisturizing experiences to the skin.

French rose extract essence oil and hydrosol moisturizes our skin. It penetrates into skin layers to illuminate skin from within. The extract of a special Guarana Seed found in Brazil Amazon helps enhance the vitality of skin, giving you elastic smooth skin. Moisturizing ingredients such as Chamomile extract and Sorbitol relieves and complement skin’s moisture levels.

  • --「女人我最大 爱美有道理」--

    SHILLS 菁萃玫瑰化妆水



    SHILLS 菁萃玫瑰化妝水-採法國玫瑰萃取精油及玫瑰纯露製造而成,能使肌膚浸潤在天然的保濕成分中,純天然玫瑰香氣能滲透角質層,讓肌膚水亮細緻,並以特殊產於巴西亞馬遜森林的果樹瓜拿納果能提升肌膚活力、創造彈性肌膚,並擁有強化修護肌膚使用;並含洋甘菊萃取、山梨醣醇等保濕成份,能適時安撫、舒緩、補充肌膚水分,讓肌膚享受最頂級保濕與呵護!

  • 成  份:法國玫瑰萃取精油、法國玫瑰純露、瓜拿納果萃取、維他命B5、綠茶、山梨醣醇、洋甘菊萃取




    Product Description:

    100% Brand New

    Enrich with vitamins and luxury dark chocolate

    Deep Cleansing Peel Off Mask

    Helps to removes dulling surface cells and impurities while vitamins and plant extract soften the skin to restore a youthful glow.

    Helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    Leaves skin clean, smooth and refreshed.



    FOR SALE - LONG WIGS (RM 90.00) (left - 2 units)

    SHORT WIG - RM60.00 (left 2 units)


    002 - Color is light brown

    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    The Man Series Masks (RM 2.00 per pc)

    The Man series.jpg
    1. The Man Check Whelk Mask (Anti-Acne Mask)
    The Man Check whelk Mask.jpg
    1. Keeps pimples in check
    2. Improves skin complexion.
    3. Tightens and minimize pores
    4. Controls and regulates oil secretion
    5. Rapidly replenishes and retains moisture

    Suitable for all skin types especially those with acne-prone oily skin.

    2. The Man Check Oil Mask (Oil-Control Mask)
    The Man Check Oil Mask.jpg
    1. Closes up pores
    2. Moisturises the skin
    3. Keeps oil secretion in control
    4. Cleanses the skin to remove dirt and dead cells
    5. Results in cleaner & clearer complexion

    Suitable for all skin types especially those with oily skin

    3. The Man Bamboo Charcoal Mask (Hydrating & Anti-Aging Mask)
    The Man Bamboo Charcoal Mask.jpg
    1. Repairs and restores skin structure
    2. Hydrates skin and lock in moisture to improve skin elasticity
    3. Rapidly replenishes and retains moisture to regains youthful skin
    4. Soothes tensed up skin and results in healthy glowing complexion
    5. High collagen contents and in-depth penetration prevents skin dryness and nourishes skin

    Suitable for all skin types especially for facial maintenance purposes.

    Tuesday, July 7, 2009



    Kanebo TIFFA Hand & Nail Cream.JPG
    Recommended by Niu Er of Taiwan Ladies First TV Show

    This romantic hand cream contains fresh rose extracts, rose water & collagen proteins, gives your hands & nails an intensive moisture & a healthy look.
    Especially good for dry skin.

    Hokkaido Lover Mask (RM 2.00 per pc)

    HK001 Hyaluronic Acid Mask
    Attached Image
    • Balance uneven skin tone, keeps your skin soft with moisture. Eliminates wrinkles and delay the wrinkle premature occurrence, add nutrients to your skin. Recommended for babes with dehydrated skin

    HK002 Sakura Whitening Mask
    Attached Image
    • Oil controling, uses natural Vitamin C to minimise pores and reduces pigmentation.
    • Improve and balance sebum secretion, restoring your skin to a clear, healthier with radiance look. Recommended for babes with Coarse skin

    HK003 Anti-Oil + Purifying Mask

    Attached Image
    • Provides oil control effect, improve skin renewal system, remove dirt from pores and exfoliating dead cells.
    • Maintains moisture to prevent dryness, repairs and tightens skin.
    • Give you a brighter with radiance, clear and better skin condition.
    • Recommended for babes with Oily skin

    HK004 L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask

    Attached Image
    • Stimulate skin to restore glow, brighten and improve skin regeneration.
    • Balances uneven skin tone, prevent and eliminates skin pigmentation spots.
    • Makes your skin feels soft, recommended for babes with Dull skin

    HK005 E.G.F. Reconstruct Mask

    Attached Image
    • Improve skin regeneration, smoothen lines and prevent wrinkles.
    • Lighten scars, revitalise dull skin, tightens and moisturise.
    • Improve skin elasticity.
    • Recommended for scar healing and anti-aging

    HK006 Argireline Mask
    Attached Image
    • Reduces existing facial wrinkles and is effective against the development of new wrinkles, minimize your pores, illuminates skin, improves skin roughness and dullness for a healthy glow.
    • Repair and restore skin structure, eliminate pigments, freckles and spots

    HK007 Q10 Elastin Mask
    Attached Image
    • Contains natural plant extracts, replenishes collagen level.
    • Tightens and smoothens your pores, improve skin elasticity.
    • Moisture and brightens skin, prevent wrinkles


    EGF stands for epidermal growth factor.EGF is a growth factor that plays an important role in the regulation of cell growth.
    All contain epidermal growth factor EGF to restore youthful skin luster.

    6 TYPES :-

    1.Arbutin+L-Ascorbic Acid+EGF (Gold package)

    Helps reduce spots; Arbutin helps in whitening of skin and prevent melanin formation, improves skin metabolism and improves skin elasticity.

    2.Pearl+Hyaluronic Acid+EGF (Silver package)

    Pearl helps in whitening of skin while hyaluronic acid helps in moisturizing of skin. Skin becomes soft and supple with a brighter complexion.

    3.Orange+Lemon+EGF (Orange package)

    Reduce pores; restore skin elasticity; maintain skin moisture; contain Vitamin C in helping of skin whitening, giving skin a brighter complexion.

    4.Red Wine+Grape+EGF (Pink package)

    Contains Collagen which helps for whitening and moisturizing of skin . Grape extract contains a huge amount of anti-oxidants, providing the skin a platform of regeneration and growth, thereby promoting increased skin elasticity and achieve an anti-aging effect. Red wine helps to improve blood circulation, and effective in preventing skin from aging and cell damage.

    5.Algae+Green Tea+EGF (Blue Package)

    Pure plant extracts of marine algae can effectively maintain skin moisture and improves of dry skin. Green tea extract helps to adjust the water balance of the skin containing epidermal growth factor EGF, restores skin radiance and glow.

    6.Aloe Vera Extract+Chamomile+EGF( (Green Package)
    蘆薈+洋甘菊+ EGF(綠色包裝)

    Contains sebum secretion on the face; tightens and repair of skin; help to minimize of pores; helps to Improves skin sensitivity by repairing and tightening damaged skin; recovers skin renewal system to give you a brighter & clearer skin condition


    SF001: Wine & Soybean Extract Mask~ 清酒納豆青春水嫩面膜
    Wine & Soybean Extract Mask.jpg
    清 酒粕萃取液能代謝老化角質,讓精華液滋養成份可以更容易吸收,納豆萃取液為植物 性膠原蛋白的一種,含有豐富的異酮素,特別適合暗沉老化的肌膚,能減緩肌膚隨年齡的老化與皺紋、使肌膚緊緻有彈性,而天然保溼的蘆薈與頂級玻尿酸有絕佳的 親水保溼力強,能將水份有效鎖住,讓肌膚水嫩自然。

    SF002: Lemon & Neroli Brightening Mask~ 檸檬橙花煥白亮顏面膜
    Lemon & Neroli Brightening Mask.jpg

    檸 檬萃取持續使用可使肌膚收斂撫平細紋、淨白細滑並延緩肌膚衰老,呵護肌膚減輕日 曬傷害。橙花萃取液常用於按摩,其香味能令人感到安適自在,平撫焦慮,增加肌膚的明亮度,使皮膚彈性增加恢復肌膚活力的能力,不僅具有保濕修護效果,膚色 嫩白,也有修護及滋潤之功效,讓肌膚平滑嬌嫩,預防冗膚鬆弛老化之功效。

    SF003: Hydrolyzed Silk Protein & Milk Protein Mask~ `蠶絲牛奶細緻調理面膜
    Hydrolyzed Silk Protein & Milk Protein Mask.jpg

    蠶 絲蛋白含有數十種氨基酸,分子量小具極高親膚性容易吸收,吸水力強 具有卓越的保溼效果,並且能促進新陳代謝,讓肌膚細緻柔軟有彈性,牛奶蛋白可補充流失的天然油脂,避免肌膚過份乾燥,幫助角質層保有水分,並增加肌膚彈 性。海藻萃取液能安撫焦慮的肌膚,達到滋潤及保護肌膚的作用,加強肌膚對外界的防禦能力,還原肌膚嫩的本質。

    SF004: Pearl & L-Ascorbic Sodium Hyaluronate Whitening Mask 珍珠左旋C玻尿酸嫩白保濕面膜
    Pearl L Ascorbic Whitening Mask.jpg

    珍 珠、玻尿酸能增加肌膚的彈性及減緩皺紋的產生,保濕因子及萃取液能增加肌膚的保 水度,玻尿酸能快速並補充肌膚所流失的水分,左旋維他命C有顯著的抗氧化效果,並減少皺紋的產生,增加肌膚的柔亮感。植物萃取液有柔軟膚質的功能,左旋維 他命 C 還能使皮膚中的黑色素( MELANIN)還原,使皮膚更白晰有光澤;黃瓜萃取液含維他命C;胡蘿蔔素及維生素B1等成分有柔軟功能;金盞花萃取液含淚胡蘿蔔素、 CALENDINE、微量元素等成分。

    SF005: Rose & Aloe Extract Facial Mask~ 玫瑰蘆薈面膜
    Rose & Aloe Extract Mask.jpg


    SF006: Jasmine & Grape seed Extract Facial Mask~ 茉莉葡萄籽面膜

    Jasmine & Grape seed Extract Facial Mask.jpg

    維 生素C、維生素E、β胡蘿蔔素、原花青素及蕃茄紅素等有助減緩氧化,而葡萄籽萃 取液則含豐富的花青素;茉莉精油能舒緩肌膚;蕃茄萃取液含有蕃茄紅素、有機酸、糖、類黃酮、氨基酸、維他命A及C等成份能緊緻肌膚毛孔和滋潤肌膚;甘草萃 取液含皂角苷.類黃酮.糖等成份具有極佳的鎮靜功能;小黃瓜萃取液具收斂、柔軟鎮靜肌膚,並適用於敏感肌膚,滋養及乾性皮膚的保濕,亦適用於油性皮膚;小 黃瓜萃取液含維他命C、胡蘿蔔素及維生素B1等成份,舒緩皮膚,減緩肌膚氧化,並能能緊緻肌膚毛孔和滋潤肌膚。


    HONG KONG S&H 100% FACIAL MASKS RM 3.00 per pc

    S&H001: 100% Silky-milk Refreshing & Whitening Facial Mask ~牛奶即時美白面膜
    S&H Refreshing & Whitening.JPEG
    每片面膜蘊含25ml高濃縮天然牛奶精華、維他命C、氨基酸及熊果苷,每次只需20分鍾即刻令肌膚淨白無瑕,展出牛奶般的誘人膚色,含有卓越美白效果的熊果 苷成份,能使肌膚變得更加透明、亮麗而白皙。維他命C美白因子集中打散色斑及黑色素,持續改善暗啞膚色,令肌膚明亮動人、淨白無瑕。
    Each mask contains 25ml concentrated natural milk essence, vitamin C, amino acid and arbutin, the product can powerfully whiten the skin within 20 minutes, and the skin appears attractive after application. Contains arbutin essence which boasts of excellent whitening effect, the product can make the skin to appear transparent, bright and white. Vitamin C whitening factor can focus on decomposing brown spots and melanin, constantly improve the sallow tone and enable the skin to appear bright, attractive and white.
    Usage: After facial cleansing, apply the facial mask onto the whole face, remove it about 15-20 minutes later, and then cleanse the face with clear water, 2 – 3 times a week.

    S&H002: 100% Silky-milk Refreshing & Moisturizing Facial Mask~ 百分百牛奶舒緩保濕面膜
    S&H Refreshing & moisturizing.jpg

    Each mask contains 25ml concentrated natural milk essence, vitamin A, HA and powerful moisturizing factor, the skin can instantly enjoy the nourishment from milk within 20 minutes, and appears soft and silky after application. Instantly moisturize the skin as a result of season conversion and dry environment, assist to firm wrinkles and shrink pores, delay aging. Reconstruct the water sebum membrane of the skin, brighten and balance the skin, enable the skin to appear soft and tender.
    Usage: After facial cleansing, apply the facial mask onto the whole face, remove it about 15-20 minutes later, and then cleanse the face with clear water, 2-3 times a week.

    S&H003: 100% Silky-milk Activating Facial Mask~ 百分百牛奶醒肤焕采面膜

    S&H Activating Mask.jpg

    • 激活肌膚健康細胞的生長,消炎去痘,令肌膚清爽健康,煥發神采。Each mask contains 25ml concentrated natural milk essence, vitamin E, allantoin and sterilizing factor, the product can reconstruct the skin and enable the skin to appear soft and silky after application within 20 minutes. Completely remove deposited toxin, accelerate the peeling of acne, and tender the rough skin quality. Restrain the production of bacteria, improve the anti-aging ability of the skin, and protect the skin from damages from external environment. Activate the rejuvenation of healthy cells, diminish inflammation and remove acne, enable the skin to appear refreshing, healthy and bright.
    Usage: After facial cleansing, apply the facial mask onto the whole face, remove it about 15-20 minutes later, then cleanse the face with clear water, 2-3 times a week.

    S&H004: 100% Collagen Fresh Hydration Smoothening Mask~ 水滑面膜 SOLD OUT
    S&H Collagen.jpg

    Contain moisturizing essence and ultra-fine nutritive compound, go quickly into skin to supply nutrients, enable skin to absorb nutrients more easily and deeply, also help skin retain moisture and supply moisture to skin continuously and durably, leave skin smooth and moist.
    Usage: After facial cleansing, unpack the facial mask and apply it gently on the face, remove it 20 min later, wipe off the residual essential liquid on the face with water or paper towel.

    S&H005: 100% Pearl Silky Beautifying & Smoothing Mask~ 絲珍珠美肌滑膚面膜 SOLD OUT

    S&H Pearl.jpg
    采 用國際最先進科技美肌滑膚循環再生程式(Skin Rejuvenation Technology)將超微細納米珍珠高效美肌滑膚元素灌注入肌膚底層,全方位活化彈力纖維及細胞間質,防止真皮層蛋白質變色,淡化黑色素並抑制斑點形 成,為肌膚增添光澤彈性,賦於肌膚緊實張力,撫平已産生的細紋及凹凸不平感,遏止新紋繼續産生,肌膚如絲般光滑細膩,呈現珍珠般的流光溢彩,絲滑白嫩。
    The world's latest skin rejuvenation technology is used to deliver ultra-fine nanometer efficient pearl beautifying and smoothing factors into the basal skin layer to activate elastic fibers and intercellular substances comprehensively, prevent the discoloration of dermal proteins, mitigate melanin and inhibit the formation of spots, enhance the skin luster and elasticity, leave the skin firm and tight, remove existing fine lines and unevenness, inhabit the generation of new lines, make the skin fine and smooth like silky, and glossy, smooth and white like pearl.